Via the link below you can download this database in the form of a 22 Mb zip file
. Upon extraction, you get three separate files: the BSKdb program, a BSKdb helpfile
and the BSKempen database itself. Keep these three files together in one folder
on your computer. The total size of the extracted files is 72 Mb. Nothing
else is installed on your computer so you can extract the files onto a USB stick
and run them on any computer. The program BSKdb will check whether a BSK.ini file
is already present, if not, it will create this file in the same folder where BSKdb
is located.
The BSKdb program has four tabs:
The function Zoeken (search) is very powerful. Here is an example of
how it works: The first search results show a birth record in the municipality of Morkhoven of 'Biermans, Theresia'. This is not an error : clicking on it shows the details of this record in a pop-up screen and reveals that the record was selected because the mother was Rosa Tielemans. This record is thus useful.
Looking further down the list of search results, we find a record in Morkhoven
for the marriage of Hieronymus Gastmans with the above mentioned Theresia Biermans
(the daughter of Rosa Tielemans). We can now search whether any children were born
from this marriage. In the search parameters you can also use SQL characters (wildcards):
-% (several or no characters). E.g. for a search of surnames which start with "tub" or "tib", set familienaam begint met to 't[ui]b'. To find Tielemans as well as Tilemans , search for 'Tí%lemans'. A surname starting with a 'T' and ending with 'ax' is found using 't%ax'. Using 't[!u]%ax' we find all surnames starting with 'T', and ending with 'ax', but with the second character not being a 'u' .
For an optimal use of these search possibilities, please consult the helpfile for
more information and examples on thes SQL characters.
The search results can be stored as an Excel file which will contain three separate sheets; one for birth records, one for marriage records and one for death records (with the names BS Geboorten, BS Huwelijken en BS Overlijden). Each of these sheets has the same format as the BSKempen index files.
The database is updated only once monthly. You can add any index files which
have been added or verified meanwhile,without problem. On the page Werkbank
(work sheet) , check 'Toevoegen aan de databank' (add to the database),
and click on the button Openen (open). Choose the indexfile you want
to add and it will be inserted in the database. That's all there is to it. |